Seventeen University of Wisconsin Oshkosh faculty and staff were recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to moving the institution’s mission forward at the annual Opening Day assembly Sept. 7 at Reeve Memorial Union.
Honors conferred for the 2010-2011 academic year included Endowed Professorships, Rosebush Professorships, Distinguished Teaching Awards, Sniffen Faculty Governance Service Award, Outstanding Service Awards, Outstanding Performance Awards and two UW System Regents awards.
The recipients are as follows:
Endowed Professorships
Endowed professorships are awarded to faculty members who demonstrate outstanding research and engagement in community service. Funded by local sponsors, the awards support research projects and professional development for a four-year term.
- Sharon Chappy, associate professor, nursing
![Sharon Chappy](
Sharon Chappy
Sharon Chappy has made an art of transforming service opportunities into scholarship since coming to UW Oshkosh in 1997. A driving force behind ACCEL, the first program in the country to allow individuals with a bachelor’s degree to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 12 months, Chappy went on to disseminate evaluation data and other lessons learned. As chairperson for the College Committee, she scrutinized data and feedback from College of Nursing graduating seniors and alumni and recommended curricular changes to improve students’ professional transitions.
In addition to authoring a book chapter on nursing history, serving as a consultant for a book on hospice care and publishing a dozen articles in prestigious journals, Chappy also excels in the kind of writing that secures funds for future research, including tens of thousands of dollars in grants. She has served on numerous UW Oshkosh committees and task forces and regularly assists graduate students with their research, encouraging them to publish their findings. She was named a Wisconsin Idea Fellow in 2004 and received the Edward M. Penson Faculty Award in 2007. She serves on the editorial board for the AORN Journal and, during the summer, practices as a perioperative staff nurse at Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center.
Chappy earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary healthcare at UW-Madison, a master’s degree in primary healthcare with an educator focus at UW Oshkosh, and a doctorate in women’s health and perioperative issues at UW-Milwaukee.
- Teri Shors, associate professor, biology and microbiology
![Teri Shors](
Teri Shors
Although Teri Shors’ training focused specifically on poxviruses, her research topics have spread to many other areas of virology. Shors, who joined the UW Oshkosh biology and microbiology faculty in 1997, has analyzed genes involved in the replication of the vaccinia virus; been involved in SoTL research; and is currently collaborating with associate chemistry professor Brant Kedrowski to isolate antiviral compounds in cranberries.
In 2001, working with faculty in the psychology and religious studies and anthropology departments, she created “The Flu Project,” a multidisciplinary learning experience that investigated the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic and ultimately produced a more accurate picture of the historical event and how it affected Winnebago County. During her 2003–2004 sabbatical, Shors wrote and edited an undergraduate virology textbook. Her expertise has been sought by the University as well as by regional media, particularly during the recent H1N1 outbreak. She served on the Winnebago County Board of Health and is a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Sigma Xi Research Society. She received the Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award in 2003 and was the 2004 recipient of the Axel Tech Endowed Professorship.
Shors earned a bachelor’s degree in biology at St. Cloud State University, a master’s degree in microbiology at Idaho State University, and a doctorate in molecular and cellular biology at Arizona State University.
Rosebush Professorship
The John McNaughton Rosebush Professorship recognizes UW Oshkosh faculty members for teaching, professional achievement and public service. Nominees are considered in a selection process by a panel representing all University governance groups.
- Donald Hones, professor, curriculum and instruction
![Don Hones](
Don Hones
Even before he came to UW Oshkosh in 1997, Don Hones was an advocate for students, especially those who traditionally have been excluded from higher education. He taught English as a second language in several states, Ecuador and Spain as well as political science for three years at universities in California and Minnesota. As a member
of the College of Education and Human Services, Hones specializes in principles of bilingual/bicultural education; ESL methods; and Hmong language, culture and learning.
He has written and managed more than $4 million in federal grants for the preparation of ESL and bilingual teachers and professionals. Hones has authored two books and more than a dozen articles in his field and often involves his students as co-authors; co-researchers; and co-presenters at state, regional and national conferences. In 2007, he formalized ties with three universities and the Ministry of Education in Chile. He will spend spring 2011 on sabbatical in Mexico, studying the role of extended families and education of immigrant children on both sides of the border.
Hones earned a bachelor’s degree in political science at Hope College, a master’s degree in political science at Duke University and a doctorate in philosophy at Michigan State University.
- David Siemers, professor, political science
![David Siemers](
David Siemers
During his nine years at UW Oshkosh, David Siemers has established an outstanding record in every aspect of
his academic and community work, all while maintaining conviction that teaching is the most important part of his job. He has published three books — Ratifying the Republic: Antifederalists and Federalists in Constitutional Time, The Antifederalists: Men of Great Faith and Forbearance, and Presidents and Political Thought — and numerous encyclopedia entries, journal articles and reviews.
A strong advocate for student engagement, Siemers has served as chair of the American Democracy Project and faculty advisor for the Political Science Student Association and the College Democrats. Beyond the University, he is affiliated with several national disciplinary associations, a frequent conference presenter, and a manuscript reviewer for major journals and university presses. As one of the University’s most dedicated representatives, Siemers routinely and enthusiastically lends his expertise to the University and surrounding communities. He has become a relied-upon source for regional news outlets and delivers frequent public talks, particularly during presidential and congressional elections.
Siemers earned a bachelor’s degree in political science at St. Olaf College and a master’s degree and a doctorate in political science at UW-Madison.
Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award
Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award recipients are selected based on their teaching excellence, service, professional commitment and scholarly growth. A committee of faculty, students and staff determines who will receive the honor.
- Stephen Rose, professor, education
![Steve Rose](
Steve Rose
A leader in service at UW Oshkosh and the Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies (WCSS), education professor Stephen Rose challenges his students to think critically to prepare them to be tomorrow’s leaders. A member of the curriculum and instruction department since 1990, Rose designs creative and effective teaching activities inside and outside of the classroom. He is a promoter of lifelong learning and encourages students to participate in the WCSS’s annual state conference. His research, which includes such topics as the efficacy of collaborative teaching and class discussion, has been published in journals and books, and he has presented at many conferences at the local and national level.
Rose earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in social studies education at The Ohio State University and a doctorate with emphases in social studies education, curriculum/theory and development, and sociology at The Ohio State University.
- Robert Wise, professor, biology
![Robert Wise](
Robert Wise
When Robert Wise explains the complexities of photosynthesis, his students gain something beyond a biology lesson; they are taught how to learn. Wise’s teaching philosophy is built on a simple yet significant foundation: All of his students genuinely want to learn. By helping students harness the proper tools for effective scholarship and providing guidance, he transcends the traditional definition of teacher. In addition to creating laboratory manuals and concept maps for his students, Wise wrote a comprehensive teaching guide for all of the biology laboratory instructors so that all UW Oshkosh students would have comparable learning experiences in Biology 105. Since coming to UW Oshkosh in 1993, he has developed a research program that includes undergraduate and graduate student involvement. His research has been published in more than two dozen scientific journals.
Wise earned a bachelor’s degree in biology/zoology at UW-Stevens Point and a master’s degree and a doctorate
in botany/plant physiology at Duke University.
Sniffen Faculty Governance Service Award
The Barbara G. Sniffen Faculty Governance Service Award recognizes faculty members who have exceptional University service records.
- William Wacholtz, professor, chemistry
![William Wacholtz](
William Wacholtz
In addition to his activity within the chemistry department, of which he
has been a member since 1989 and for which he has served as co-chair for three years, William Wacholtz has dedicated himself to two specific service areas at the college and University levels: students and governance. His commitment to initiatives that directly impact UW Oshkosh students, such as his contributions as chemistry department liaison to the Cooperative Advanced Placement Program and his work on the Student Academic Committee, keeps him connected to the needs and attitudes of today’s students.
Wacholtz has served on the Faculty Senate since 1998, serving on the Executive Committee since 2000 and as president from 2007 to 2009. He also has served on numerous campus committees, including the Elections, Restructuring and Faculty Senate Hearing committees and the Committee on Committees. Beyond the University, he was a member of the executive board of Sigma Xi, a professional society for all science disciplines. He received the Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award in 2004.
Wacholtz earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the University of Washington and a doctorate in chemistry at
Tulane University.
Outstanding Service Award
UW Oshkosh has many nonteaching faculty and academic staff whose contributions enhance the University’s overall academic environment and support our educational goals. The Outstanding Service Award recognizes excellence of service that touches each member of the University community.
- Jeanette DeDiemar, former executive director, Integrated Marketing and Communications
![Jeanette DeDiemar](
Jeanette DeDiemar
As UW Oshkosh’s first executive director of integrated marketing and communications, Jeanette DeDiemar spearheaded the University’s management of its reputation, aligning the institution’s image and identity and enhancing alumni relations. Through her leadership, UW Oshkosh received unprecedented national recognition, raising the University’s profile while delivering a comprehensive, outcomes-focused and collaborative strategy across multiple traditional and new-technology platforms.
In spring 2010, DeDiemar led the launch of UW Oshkosh’s new brand. She currently serves on the New North Branding Committee, the Oshkosh Brand and Steering Committee, the Oshkosh Convention and Visitors Bureau Brand Committee, and the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Public Relations Committee and is a frequent presenter on integrated marketing in higher education. DeDiemar believes this award reflects the achievements of her entire team, whose creativity, innovation and skills significantly contributed to enhancing how UWO communicates its educational mission and strategic initiatives while delivering high-quality service to the campus.
DeDiemar earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism at UW Oshkosh, a master’s degree in mass communication at Kansas State University and a doctorate in curriculum and instruction at Kansas State University.
- Jean Kwaterski, assistant to the vice chancellor, Student Affairs
![Jean Kwaterski](
Jean Kwaterski
Jean Kwaterski is a catalyst. Playing a multitude of leadership roles during her 10 years at UW Oshkosh, she enthusiastically champions worthy causes to bring about positive change at the University. Kwaterski leads the taskforce charged with introducing inclusive excellence and developing multicultural competencies in every department and employee within the Student Affairs division, is an active member of the Campus Pride Index Committee and serves as advisor to the Titan Unitarian Universalist Student Organization, which she helped establish.
Her devotion to the whole campus community compliments her considerable contributions to the Student Affairs division, including managing a more-than-$41 million budget and providing support and supervision for the Children’s Learning and Care Center.
Kwaterski earned a bachelor’s degree in human resource management and a master’s degree in business administration at UW Oshkosh.
- Houa Xiong, senior academic advisor, Undergraduate Advising Resource Center
![Houa Xiong](
Houa Xiong
When Houa Xiong was a first-generation college student, her academic adviser played a key role in her collegiate success. As a senior academic advisor in UW Oshkosh’s Undergraduate Advising Resource Center, she gives back what was given to her.
Xiong stays up-to-date on a wide array of information so that she can be the best guide for students interested in business and help others find careers that fit their skills, abilities, interests and values. To further expand her knowledge, she has taught a seven-week academic and career exploration class since 2004. She has met with advisors from other colleges to acquire facts about a variety of majors outside of her area and serves as liaison to the Supply Chain and Operations Management and Information Systems faculty teams.
Xiong earned a bachelor’s degree in recreational management and a master’s degree in college student personnel at UW-La Crosse.
Outstanding Performance Award
The University’s Outstanding Performance Award recognizes exemplary members of the classified staff whose
activities, accomplishments and service are most deserving of acknowledgement.
- Ruth Eberwine, program associate, Department of Military Science
![Ruth Eberwine](
Ruth Eberwine
As the only UW Oshkosh employee in the Department of Military Science, Ruth Eberwine serves as the liaison between the U.S. Army and the University. Eberwine, a UW Oshkosh employee since 2003, assists U.S. Army officer cadets at UW Oshkosh and four partnership campuses in managing a highly complex academic planning and personnel management process.
She often works outside of office hours to accommodate the schedules of students and faculty members. Working in a uniquely challenging environment, Eberwine demonstrates the highest standards of professionalism in guiding and supporting students as they train to become leaders in the United States Army.
- Sharon Hybke, academic department associate, Department of Communication
![Sharon Hybke](
Sharon Hybke
Despite ever-increasing deadlines, decreasing resources and an evolving workplace, Sharon Hybke has met the challenges she faces in the Department of Communication with enthusiasm and good humor. A 20-year employee of the University, Hybke not only manages the day-to-day operations of the department, she also is the self-taught administrator for the shutdown processes of the University’s Speech and Hearing Clinic.
Hybke is a member of the Administrative Support Team and volunteers for Heartland Homecare and Hospice Program and the American Cancer Society. She received the University’s STAR Award in June 2003.
- Brian Klinger, printing purchasing manager, Administrative Services
![Brian Klinger](
Brian Klinger
As printing purchasing manager, Brian Klinger’s work touches every department at the University. His printing knowledge has been recognized across UW System and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. In recent years, he also has coordinated complex purchasing projects that include the multi-channel television programming contract, the Titan Transit contract, and the refuge and recycling contract.
Klinger, who began working at the University in 2006, is an active member of the campus community. He is a member of the UW Oshkosh Safety Team, the Campus Sustainability Council, and the Classified Staff Advisory Council Awards and Recognition Committee. He received the University’s STAR Award in March 2009.
- Lynn Kriha, lead collection officer, Financial Services
![Lynn Kriha](
Lynn Kriha
Lynn Kriha has been credited with providing the expertise that allows UW Oshkosh to have a remarkably low student loan default rate. While focused on meeting state and federal requirements that govern student loans, Kriha remains focused on the needs of student borrowers, keeping a broad perspective on their lives as a whole.
Kriha, a 20-year employee of the University, continually has developed new, more efficient processes and embraced new responsibilities. She is a graduate of the UW Oshkosh Leadership Series.
- Rick VanDrisse, crafts worker supervisor, Facilities Management
![Rick VanDrisse](
Rick VanDrisse
A UW Oshkosh employee since 1986, Rick VanDrisse is an integral member of the University’s facilities team. As the crafts worker supervisor for mechanical trades, VanDrisse begins his day at 6 a.m. and often stays past 4:30 p.m. From coordinating staff schedules to estimating jobs to ordering parts, VanDrisse keeps the University’s most elemental functions moving forward on a daily basis.
In addition to his regular workload, VanDrisse has been a member of the 2010 Healthy Titans committee and participates in the implementation of Classified Staff Development and Appreciation Day. He also has served as chairman of the board for the UW Oshkosh Credit Union for the past seven years.
Regents Teaching Excellence Award
Each year, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents honors two teachers from the UW System for career achievements in teaching with this $5,000 award.
- Jennifer Szydlik, professor, mathematics
![Jennifer Szydlik](
Jennifer Szydlik
Throughout her 15 years with the UW Oshkosh faculty, Jennifer Szydlik has endeavored to make mathematics more than just numbers on a page for future elementary school teachers, challenging the assumptions students bring to math courses and introducing them to a beautiful and addictive world of patterns and logic.
A believer in the transformational benefits of studying abroad, Szydlik recently co-led a trip to Lima, Peru, where UW Oshkosh students studied at the Universidad del Pacifico, visited elementary and secondary schools and taught Peruvian students. She supervises the Math Tutor Lab and is coordinator of the graduate program for the Master of Science in mathematics education. She received the Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award in 2004.
Szydlik earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics at St. Cloud State University and a master’s degree in mathematics and a doctorate in mathematics with a specialty in mathematics education at UW-Madison.
Regents Academic Staff Award for Excellence
Each year, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents honors two non-instructional academic staff members from the UW System for exceptional service to their universities with this $5,000 award.
- Lynn Freeman, director, Academic Advising
![Lynn Freeman](
Lynn Freeman
Since joining the University in 2002, Lynn Freeman has developed an advising program that reflects national standards, helping students find their way through college, set academic and personal goals, and make plans to achieve those goals. She founded the UW Oshkosh Advisory Council for Comprehensive Academic Advising; created the Undergraduate Advising Resource Center, which offers comprehensive, developmental academic advising; and helped develop the Early Alert System, which aims to increase success among underrepresented students.
Working collaboratively across departments, Freeman ensures each student receives the best advising and support services possible. She has been elected to regional and national leadership positions in the area of academic advising, including chair of the National Academic Advising Association, Region 5.
Freeman earned a bachelor’s degree at Grinnell College, a master’s degree in counseling at Northeast Missouri State University and a doctorate in higher education administration at Pennsylvania State University.
Edward M. Penson Faculty Award
The Edward M. Penson Faculty Award recognizes faculty members who have made a significant contribution that might otherwise go unrecognized. Applications are not accepted for this award; rather, the deans select the recipients based on performance.
- Peter Brown, anthropology
- Sarah DeArmond, human resource management
- Judith Hankes, curriculum and instruction
- Suzanne Marnocha, nursing
Promotions 2010-2011
To Professor
- Franca Barricelli, history
- Joan Hart, mathematics
- Eric Hiatt, geology
- Marianne Johnson, economics
- Richard Kalinoski, theatre
- Nadejda Kaltcheva, physics and astronomy
- Greg Kleinheinz, biology and microbiology
- Thomas Lammers, biology and microbiology
- Bruce Niendorf, finance and business Law
- Anthony Palmeri, communication
- Timothy Paulsen, geology
- Kimberly Rivers, history
- Julie Shaffer, English
- Teri Shors, biology and microbiology
- David Siemers, political science
To Associate Professor
- Jeri-Mae Astolfi, music
- Kevin Crawford, chemistry
- Karina Cutler-Lake, art
- Eric Kuennen, mathematics
- Susan Maxwell, art
To Associate Professor and Tenure
- Stephanie DeMontigny, religious studies and anthropology
- James Feldman, environmental studies
- Monika Hohbein-Deegen, foreign language and literatures
- Wendy Strauch-Nelson, art
- Heike Alberts, geography
Academic Staff
- Michael Altekruse, Counseling Center
- Toby Bares, Student Recreation and Wellness Center
- Craig Biwer, kinesiology
- Jodi Carlson, Career Services
- Richard DCamp, foreign languages and literatures
- Benjamin Dorsey, Student Recreation and Wellness Center
- Barbara Erdmann, Children’s Center
- Victoria Haydock, Reading Study Center
- Karen Kolberg, Children’s Center
- Jean Kwaterski, Student Affairs
- Quincy LaGrant, Admissions
- Chrissy Lambie, Career Services
- Richard Landvatter, Media Services
- Ann Oliver LePore, Academic Support
- Leah Lidbury, Reading Study Center
- Theresa Marxen, Children’s Center
- Deborah Matulle, Student Accounts
- Susan Morrison, Center for Career Development and Employability Training
- Amy Pinkston, College of Business Graduate Program
- Jacqueline Pluim, Children’s Center
- JoAnn Rife, Planning and Construction
- Sean Ruppert, Media Services
- Julie Russo, University Honors Program
- Katherine Short-Meyerson, Educational Foundations
- Darryl Sims, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Sarah Smith, Center for New Learning
- Flora Stapel, Admissions
- Janet Steward, Children’s Center
- Donald Stolley, art
- Susan Surendonk, Grants and Faculty Development
- Matt Suwalski, Reeve Memorial Union
- Julie Thyssen, Media Services
- Kennan Timm, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Michael Watson, Institutional Research
- Angela Westphal, communication
- Maria Wolf, Student Health Center
- Abbas Yaghmaian, Academic Support
Classified Staff
- Lauren Allen, College of Business
- Amanda Bain, Center for New Learning
- Malissa Bonlender, College of Education and Human Services Dean’s Office
- Dawn Dettlaff, Facilities Management
- Connie Doemel, Financial Services
- Sabrina Johnson, Human Resources
- Mary Schneider, Library Administration
STAR Award Recipients
- September 2009 — Bruce Noebel
- October 2009 — Carol Kozlowski
- November 2009 — Molly Gottfried
- December 2009 — George Paul
- January 2010 — Jerry Klein
- February 2010 — Erik May
- March 2010 — Debbie Patrenets
- April 2010 — Donna Nelson
- May 2010 — Amanda Bain
- June 2010 — Mary Fabrycki
- July 2010 — Kay Eslinger
Professional Productivity Award
- James Chaudoir
- Roy Hoglund
- Jayalakshmi Jambunathan
- Kandasamy Muthuvel
- Thomas Naps
- Andrew Robson
- William Wresch
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